All the Lies From Biden’s ‘Ghost Gun’ Event

Speaking in the Rose Garden on Monday, an aviator-clad President Biden trotted out more of the same misleading claims Democrats have used for years in their attempts to demonize legal firearm ownership by law-abiding citizens. The speech, meant to announce new executive action to regulate so-called “ghost guns” (a conjured up term to make homemade guns sounds scarier), turned into a gaffe-filled exercise in misinformation.

Repeatedly referring to the ATF as “AFT” — a gaffe that apparently confused the federal agency with the teachers union — Biden also repeated several the left’s favorite anti-gun buzzwords and tropes as an excuse to justify his executive action, but — like much of what Biden says — they’re just not true. . .

There is some limited protection for firearm manufacturers… just as there are for several other industries. As Stephen Gutowski explained, “Gun manufacturers can be sued and sometimes are sued over claims of negligence. . .

Biden’s claim here seems to be that his previous work to limit firearm ownership was a success, and that claim would be false. “The law that barred the sale of assault weapons from 1994 to 2004 made little difference,” Lois Beckett reported for The New York Times years ago:

It turns out that big, scary military rifles don’t kill the vast majority of the 11,000 Americans murdered with guns each year. Little handguns do.

via joemiller

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