The Hidden Photo That Rocked Biden – Lawyer Freaked Out

In May of 2014, lawyers for then-VP Joe Biden freaked out and insisted that Ukrainian energy giant Burisma remove a photo of Biden and Burisma board member Devon Archer from its website, according to emails from Hunter Biden's infamous laptop.

In an email, Biden's lawyer, Demetra Lambros, told Hunter Biden business associate Eric Schwerin that the photo needed to go.

"Hey, guys," Schwerin begins a May 13, 2014, email to Hunter Biden and Devon Archer. "There is apparently a photo of Devon and the VP on Burisma’s website (I can’t see it; the website isn’t working very well right now), but Demetra (VP Counsel) called and asked that we tell Burisma they need to take it down (legally, they aren’t comfortable with the VP’s picture being up on the site as what seems like an endorsement)," the Daily Caller reports.

Schwerin was referencing then-VP Biden’s counsel Demetra Lambros, whom President Biden appointed in June 2021 to serve as Chair of the President’s Commission on White House fellowships. She previously worked with Biden in 1996 as General Counsel of the Senate Judiciary Committee under then-Democratic Delaware Sen. Joe Biden’s chairmanship.

“Thanks Eric,” Archer responded. “Hunter got the call and it’s down. Was put up without authorization.  Just on a Board call now and will call you this afternoon.” -Daily Caller

"Looks like it may have been taken down…finally got on the site," said Schwerin.

The now-defunct Burisma website had previously featured profiles of Hunter Biden and Devon Archer on its board of directors page.

The same day Schwerin sent the email about the Biden picture, he sent multiple emails to Hunter asking about Burisma's apparent ownership by a Cyprus-registered company, and how he could explain that to Lambros - who had raised the issue with Schwerin following the publication of a Politico article noting Hunter's board seat.

"FYI, the only other issue Demetra raised/asked about was that there was a Cypriot connection (ownership?) of the firm and your Dad is going next week. She just raised it – nothing more than that," said Schwerin.

"The company is simply registered in Cyprus," Hunter replied.

"That's what I said," responded Schwerin, adding: "Press is saying that not merely registered in Cyprus but is owned by a Cypriot entity named, ‘Brociti Investments.’ Demetra is asking about this. Any ideas if this is correct?"

He then sent another email to Hunter later in the day seeking answers regarding Burisma's ownership.

"[I]f you have any idea on the Cypriot ownership question (per my earlier email that is [sic] seems the company is owned by a Cypriot company not just registered there), that would be helpful for Demetra and I can get back to her while you are on the plane tomorrow," he said.

Schwerin, Biden and Archer were part of an email exchange May 13, 2014, where Rosemont Seneca executives discussed how to respond to an inquiry from The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) related to Hunter Biden’s Burisma board seat, emails show.

Schwerin discussed the WSJ article May 14 and said Lambros and then-VP Biden spokesperson Kendra Barkoff’s potential questions pertaining to Burisma founder Mykola Zlochevsky’s connection to pro-Russia Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych, who was removed in 2014 as a result of Ukraine’s Maidan Revolution. Zlochevsky was the Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources in Yanukovych’s government prior to his ouster. -Daily Caller

"When I talked to your Dad’s office, they seemed to think the Yanukovich connection was incorrect and that the guy sold in 2011. I assume Kendra and/or Demetra will be interested in clarifying this while you are in the air tomorrow, if you know. Let me know if you have any clarity on this you want me to pass on," Schwerin wrote to Hunter.

Meanwhile... no knowledge? Never spoken about? Impeachment when?

via zerohedge

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