Leftist Media’s Biden-Linked Hiring Frenzy (VIDEO)

Elon Musk got a lot of heat earlier this year for designating outlets like NPR in the U.S., CBC in Canada, and the BBC in Great Britain as “state media.” Histrionic defenders of such state propaganda institutions ostensibly practicing “journalism” insist that there’s a bright red line between these outlets and the government, never to be breached.

Here is admitted diversity hire Karine Jean-Pierre on the matter.

While the case for NPR being “state media” is easier to make than it is for, say, CNN, as the former is directly funded with U.S. tax dollars (hard to sophisticate your way around that one) whereas CNN is ostensibly a private sector company, the reality of the ever-moving revolving door between government employees and CNN’s contributor stable belies the “private sector” defense.

The incestuous relationship between the federal government and MSNBC/CNN has only thickened in recent months as the corporate state gears up to go to war with likely GOP nominee Donald Trump in the 2024 general election.

MSNBC’s hiring of Jen Psaki, former press secretary for the Brandon entity, which I have previously reported on at PJ Media, is only the tip of the iceberg.

Via The Spectator:

Networks are staffing up their ranks of former Biden communications officials at a furious pace…

Last week, CNN announced the hiring of Jamaal Simmons, fresh off his role as Vice President Kamala Harris’s communications director… Only two weeks prior to Simmons' hire, CNN announced that former Biden White House communications director Kate Bedingfield had been hired as an on-air commentator and contributor….

Former White House press secretary Jen Psaki was hired by the White House from her perch as a CNN contributor and pushed the bogus 51 intelligence officials story on Hunter Biden’s laptop… In April of 2022, it was announced that Psaki would be taking a role at MSNBC with the very people who were supposed to hold her and the White House accountable…

Rarely have we been witness to this kind of blatant corporate media campaign to back a sitting president by filling their own ranks with his former staffers, while that president refuses to sit for serious interviews or hold press conferences.

Here is Jen Psaki herself, in the context of the government’s direction of the COVID narrative in lockstep with state media: “The majority of the time, they were really incredible partners. … When we were navigating COVID even though that was some of the hardest times, it was also some of the most collaborative.”

Going back to basic civics, this is not how a free press operates in a free country. This is what a compromised, controlled press in a totalitarian state does.

via pjmedia

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